Fiber Arts Mixed Media July 29-Aug 1, 1:30-4:00PM

Fiber Arts Mixed Media July 29-Aug 1, 1:30-4:00PM



July 29-Aug 1, 1:30-4:00PM


Ages 9 and up.

Confident Beginner

Pre-Requisite :

Beginner level sewing camp or 2-3 private machine sewing lessons. Student should be proficient at working independently, following directions, pinning, cutting fabric, and sewing curves.

What we are making:

This week we will take smaller pieces of fabric and turn them into larger sewn works of art. We will be exploring free motion sewing, painting and drawing on fabric and using fabric and thread creatively. This class is also open to a variety of project ideas. Come with your creativity and we will explore sewing in a whole new way!


Classes are held at our garden studio location on O street in Eureka, near Henderson Center. You will be emailed our exact location in our confirmation email one week prior to class.

What to bring:

Campers are welcome to bring water and a snack.

All materials are included in the cost of this camp.

If you have fabric you would like to use feel free to bring it along. We provide all materials needed for this class and have a good selection of fabric, however bringing a fabric you truly love is a great way to make a project even more memorable. Please keep to quilting weight cottons with no stretch. 


Mornings can be chilly yearround in our climate, please send your child with layers so they are comfortable. 

wearing sturdy shoes is important for greater foot petal control ( flip flops are highly discouraged).


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